The Postelles – The Postelles

  • October 4, 2010

What would happen if you crossed Arctic Monkeys with The Monkees? You might get The Postelles, a garage-pop band from New York City, who were described on one website as a fusion of “Jan & Dean and a slightly more mod-ish version of the Strokes” (the comparison is not far off; The Strokes’ Albert Hammond Jr. produced four of the tracks). But back to the songs. They make you wanna dance. Sure, the songs are pretty light. Hand claps, jubilant choruses, and a swingy doo-wop sound make The Postelles tailor made for your 13-year-old niece looking to dip her toe into the indie music world. But if this is a gateway drug for The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys, and God-willing, eventually – Elvis Costello, then I can’t argue with The Postelles. – Written by DBosket

SIMILAR | Arctic Monkeys, The Constellations, The French Kicks, Girls, The Kooks, Razorlight, Robbers on High Street, The Strokes