No Age – Everything In Between

  • October 26, 2010

Everything in Between, No Age’s second studio album following 2008’s Nouns, sees Randy Randall and Dean Spunt continuing their run of neo-garage noise. This LA-based duo is great at creating music that is several things all at once. This music is dark, hard, unsettling, emotional, melodic and youthful. The album starts off with “Life Prowler,” a mid-tempo track with an insistent beat and guitar hook that sets a friendly tone. The first half of Everything in Between is full of faster, punk songs until expansive, atmospheric tracks “Katerpillar,” “Sorts,” “Dusted” and “Positive Amputation” run through. The album takes you through highs and lows, ultimately ending with two up-tempo songs that leave you wishing for more. – Written by DBosket

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