Buke and Gass – Riposte

  • August 31, 2010

Pushing the boundaries of musical experimentation is the Brooklyn male-female duo Buke and Gass, named after the homemade six-string Baritone UKulelE and Guitar-bASS hybrid instruments Arone Dyer and Aron Sanchez invented. Riposte, their debut album, responds to the current indie rock scene with a vivid imagination, melodic vocals courtesy of Dyer, and quirky, catchy songs filtered through pedals, amplifiers and homemade inventions. The unique instrumentation on Riposte yields a complex sound one would expect from a larger multi-instrumentalist band, and while at times unwieldy, is worth wading through. If you’re looking for something a little different yet still accessible and catchy then check out Buke and Gass. – Written by JFelton

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